A Future Plan for Grosvenor & Regency Estate

We believe that the Grosvenor & Regency Estate has been neglected and poorly maintained for many decades. Our starting point is the 2010 Conservation Audit which you can find under Estate History here. We have early support in principal from WCC to work with residents, WCC and external experts and funders to create a Future Plan for the estate. This would provide:

1. Major Works and Repairs Guidelines for WCC and contractors working on the estate buildings (possibly under a Heritage Partnership Agreement) which respect the history of the buildings and help them to deliver timely, quality, sustainable repairs and upgrades.

2. Proposals to restore and adopt some of the Estate Lodges for community use (e.g. at 83 and 85 Page St between Rogers and Schomberg); e.g. Community Hub for small groups (up to 10), homework club, gardening classes, etc; Repair/recycling centre with a Library of Things (to borrow tools, etc); Storage of solar batteries for rooftop panels and heat pumps away from main buildings.

3. A Greening Plan for climate resilience and biodiversity ‘net gain’: we need to be prepared for heavy rains and extreme heat. Everyone will benefit from improved ‘greening’ of the estate to soak up water, provide natural cooling, and increase our access to nature. We can use the existing grounds maintenance budget better and secure external grants.

4. A History Trail: beautifully designed information boards along Page, Vincent and Regency Sts about the history of the estate with photos and stories from residents.